2024 Criteria for Pianoforte
A. Performers will be 15 and under 21 years as at 1st of October 2024.
B. Each competitor will perform a programme with a maximum time of 20 minutes. There will be a total mark given for the complete programme. A penalty of 5 marks will be imposed if the time limit is exceeded by 30 seconds or more, from start of performance.
C. The programme will consist of three contrasting pieces from different periods of musical history, i.e. Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, 20th Century, 21st Century or Contemporary.
D. In the event of a large number of entries requiring a semi-final, competitors will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round. The number of semi-finalists is determined as per the NYPA rules 7.1-7.2. Those competitors recalled will repeat their complete programme, as stated in B and C.
E. Three finalists will be chosen for the Final Award Concert and will perform one item from their original programme, as directed by the Adjudicator.
B. Each competitor will perform a programme with a maximum time of 20 minutes. There will be a total mark given for the complete programme. A penalty of 5 marks will be imposed if the time limit is exceeded by 30 seconds or more, from start of performance.
C. The programme will consist of three contrasting pieces from different periods of musical history, i.e. Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, 20th Century, 21st Century or Contemporary.
D. In the event of a large number of entries requiring a semi-final, competitors will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round. The number of semi-finalists is determined as per the NYPA rules 7.1-7.2. Those competitors recalled will repeat their complete programme, as stated in B and C.
E. Three finalists will be chosen for the Final Award Concert and will perform one item from their original programme, as directed by the Adjudicator.
Competitors, Please Note
Only enter the Nomination class if you are seeking a Nomination AND are committed to attending and competing at the National Young Performer Awards in Palmerston North 25-27 Oct 2024.
Society Nomination
Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate up to two competitors, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on a performance as outlined in A-D.
The adjudicator will determine that a competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Finals.
The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include:
If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any competitor, then NOnomination will be made.
The Nominating Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $75 incl. GST per Nominee.
Each Nominee is responsible for paying the rest of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $225.00 incl. GST.
The adjudicator will determine that a competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Finals.
The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include:
- A demonstration of adequate preparation
- An authority of performance
- A performance with a level of maturity commensurate with a national final competition of this
age group.
If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any competitor, then NOnomination will be made.
The Nominating Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $75 incl. GST per Nominee.
Each Nominee is responsible for paying the rest of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $225.00 incl. GST.
Direct Nomination
- If the adjudicator considers that more than two competitors have reached a sufficient standard the adjudicator may report to the committee that those competitors should be given the option of a DIRECT NOMINATION.
The DIRECT nominee will be responsible for paying the full entry fee i.e. $300.00 incl. GST.